Thursday, January 14, 2016

Planning (Overthinking)

Well, the ticket has been purchased, and I am flying to Atlanta on April 13th. I'll begin my long walk home on the 15th, hopefully with many other hikers hoping to complete a thru of the Appalachian Trail.

I'm in full planning mode which means: getting my gear together and running through different scenarios of snake-encounters in my head.

I have most of my gear purchased and ready to go, but there's still some small items I need to pick up and prepare: ziplocks, spices, butter container, bandanas, etc.

I'm hoping that I don't spend too much of the next 3 months having anxiety over my first few weeks on the trail, but my constantly-running mind has already been keeping me up at night, playing hypothetical movies of my experience in my head. How helpful!

I'll post a detailed gear list as my next entry. I won't be writing here too much before my trip, because I hate sifting through others peoples pre-trail anxiety posts!